100 %
use pulldown_cmark_frontmatter::FrontmatterExtractor;
use crate::shared::ExampleAttributes;
mod shared;
fn main() {
// begin rustme snippet: readme
// This example renders the example Markdown to html using
// `pulldown_cmark::html`, while also extracting the frontmatter from
// Markdown.
let mut extractor = FrontmatterExtractor::new(pulldown_cmark::Parser::new(include_str!(
// The only difference from using the FrontmatterExtractor and the regular
// pulldown_cmark::Parser is that you must pass a mutable reference to the
// extractor to be able to read the Frontmatter it extracts.
let mut rendered = String::new();
pulldown_cmark::html::push_html(&mut rendered, &mut extractor);
assert_eq!(rendered, include_str!("../frontmatter-example.html"));
let frontmatter = extractor.frontmatter.expect("frontmatter not detected");
frontmatter.title.expect("title not detected"),
"Frontmatter Example Document"
let code_block = frontmatter.code_block.expect("code block not detected");
assert_eq!(code_block.language.as_deref(), Some("toml"));
let attrs: ExampleAttributes = toml::from_str(&code_block.source).expect("invalid toml");
assert_eq!(, "");
// end rustme snippet
fn runs() {