100 %
use std::fmt::Debug;
use crate::{LruBTreeMap, LruHashMap, LruMap, Removed};
fn basic_tests<Map>()
Map: LruMap<u32, u32> + Debug,
let mut lru = Map::new(2);
assert_eq!(lru.push(1, 1), None);
assert_eq!(lru.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(lru.push(2, 2), None);
assert_eq!(lru.len(), 2);
// Pushing a new value will expire the first push.
assert_eq!(lru.push(3, 3), Some(Removed::Evicted(1, 1)));
// Replacing 2 will return the existing value.
assert_eq!(lru.push(2, 22), Some(Removed::PreviousValue(2)));
// Replacing the value should have made 2 the most recent entry, meaning a
// push will remove 3.
assert_eq!(lru.push(4, 4), Some(Removed::Evicted(3, 3)));
// Getting an entry should update its access
assert_eq!(lru.get(&2), Some(&22));
// But not using get_without_update
assert_eq!(lru.get_without_update(&4), Some(&4));
// Key 2 is still the front, and shouldn't be stale.
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&2).unwrap().staleness(), 0);
// Key 4 is the second, and there has been one modification since the entry
// was last touched.
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&4).unwrap().staleness(), 1);
assert_eq!(lru.push(5, 5), Some(Removed::Evicted(4, 4)));
// This will call move_node_to_front with the short-circuit evaluating true
// at the start of the function.
assert_eq!(lru.get(&5), Some(&5));
assert_eq!(lru.head().unwrap().key(), &5);
println!("Final State: {lru:?}");
fn hash_basics() {
basic_tests::<LruHashMap<_, _>>();
fn btree_basics() {
basic_tests::<LruBTreeMap<_, _>>();
fn larger_tests<Map>()
// The final re-ordering edge case only arises with at least 3 entries. With
// only 2 entries, either entry is either the head or the tail.
let mut lru = Map::new(5);
lru.extend([(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5)]);
// Test the second to last moving to the front => 2, 5, 4, 3, 1
assert_eq!(lru.get(&2), Some(&2));
lru.iter().map(|(_key, value)| *value).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
vec![2, 5, 4, 3, 1]
// Test moving the middle entry => 4, 2, 5, 3, 1
assert_eq!(lru.get(&4), Some(&4));
vec![4, 2, 5, 3, 1]
// Test moving the second entry => 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
// Test the staleness (number of changes since last touch). 7 total
// operations.
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&2).unwrap().staleness(), 0); // touched on op 5 and 7
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&4).unwrap().staleness(), 1); // touched on op 6
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&5).unwrap().staleness(), 3); // touched on op 4
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&3).unwrap().staleness(), 5); // Never touched
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&1).unwrap().staleness(), 7); // Never touched
// Verify the order, but use into_iter() this time.
.map(|(_key, value)| value)
vec![2, 4, 5, 3, 1]
fn hash_larger() {
larger_tests::<LruHashMap<_, _>>();
fn btree_larger() {
larger_tests::<LruBTreeMap<_, _>>();
fn enumeration_tests<Map>()
let mut lru = Map::new(3);
lru.push(1, 1);
let mut entry = lru.head().unwrap();
assert_eq!(entry.key(), &1);
lru.push(2, 2);
assert_eq!(entry.key(), &2);
assert_eq!(entry.peek_value(), &2);
assert_eq!(entry.peek_value(), &1);
lru.push(3, 3);
// Test mutating and iterating.
let mut entry = lru.tail().unwrap();
// By accessing the value, this should now become the head.
assert_eq!(entry.value(), &1);
// Iterate through the remaining entries.
assert_eq!(entry.key(), &3);
assert_eq!(entry.peek_value(), &3);
fn hash_enumeration() {
enumeration_tests::<LruHashMap<_, _>>();
fn btree_enumeration() {
enumeration_tests::<LruBTreeMap<_, _>>();
fn iteration_tests<Map>()
&[(&5, &5), (&4, &4), (&3, &3), (&2, &2), (&1, &1)]
// Test double-ended iteration
let mut iter = lru.iter();
for i in (1..=5).rev() {
assert_eq!(, &i);
// We're now past the end of the tail, we should be able to recover and get
// back to the head.
for i in 1..=5 {
assert_eq!(iter.next_back().unwrap().0, &i);
// Test partial iteration
&[(&3, &3), (&2, &2), (&1, &1)]
// Moving back should return the previous entry from the starting point.
assert_eq!(lru.entry(&3).unwrap().iter().next_back().unwrap().0, &4);
fn hash_iteration() {
iteration_tests::<LruHashMap<_, _>>();
fn btree_iteration() {
iteration_tests::<LruBTreeMap<_, _>>();
fn entry_removal_tests<Map>()
let entry = lru.head().unwrap();
// Remove 3, no previous, should return None.
let entry = lru.tail().unwrap();
// Remove 1, no next, should return None.
let (key, _value) = lru.head().unwrap().take();
assert_eq!(key, 2);
// Start fresh and test deleting the other directions
// Remove 3, moving next, should end up on 2
entry = entry.remove_moving_next().unwrap();
// Remove 2, moving previous, should end up on 2
entry = entry.remove_moving_previous().unwrap();
let (key, _value) = entry.take();
fn hash_entry_removal() {
entry_removal_tests::<LruHashMap<_, _>>();
fn btree_entry_removal() {
entry_removal_tests::<LruBTreeMap<_, _>>();