97.5 %
94.44 %
100 %
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hasher};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use crate::global::{
GlobalPool, GlobalString, StaticPooledBuffer, StaticPooledPath, StaticPooledString,
use crate::pool::PoolKindSealed;
use crate::shared::{SharedPool, SharedString, StringPool};
use crate::Pooled;
static GLOBAL_STRINGS: GlobalPool<String> = GlobalPool::new();
static GLOBAL_PATHS: GlobalPool<PathBuf> = GlobalPool::new();
static GLOBAL_BUFFERS: GlobalPool<Vec<u8>> = GlobalPool::new();
fn basics() {
let first_symbol = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get("basics-test-symbol");
let slot = first_symbol.0 .0.index;
let first_again = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get(String::from("basics-test-symbol"));
assert_eq!(slot, first_again.0 .0.index);
assert_eq!(first_symbol, first_again);
assert_eq!(first_symbol, "basics-test-symbol");
assert_eq!(first_symbol.to_string(), "basics-test-symbol");
// Dropping the second copy shouldn't free the underlying symbol
(&GLOBAL_STRINGS).with_active_symbols(|symbols| {
assert!(!symbols.free_slots.iter().any(|free| *free == slot));
match &symbols.slots[slot] {
Some(new_symbol) => {
// This test isn't run in isolation, so other symbols may get
// registered between the drop and this block. Very unlikely,
// but possible.
assert_ne!(new_symbol, "basics-test-symbol");
None => {
assert!(symbols.free_slots.iter().any(|free| *free == slot));
fn shared_is_separate() {
// First get a global string to ensure that we get a non-zero index for the
// string that will have the same contents as the local pool.
let first_symbol = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get("shared-is-separate-ignored");
let from_global = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get("shared_is_separate");
// Create our local pool and request the same string.
let shared = SharedPool::<String>::default();
let from_shared = shared.get(String::from("shared_is_separate"));
// Verify that the strings are indeed different.
assert!(!Pooled::ptr_eq(&from_shared, &from_global));
let from_shared_borrowed = shared.get("shared_is_separate");
assert!(Pooled::ptr_eq(&from_shared, &from_shared_borrowed));
// Test both directions of partialeq
assert_eq!(from_shared, from_global);
assert_eq!(from_global, from_shared);
// And test not equal against the first symbol, despite the indexes
// potentialy being equal (but not guaranteed since other tests can be
// running simultaneously).
assert_ne!(first_symbol, from_shared);
assert_ne!(from_shared, first_symbol);
fn paths() {
let first_symbol = GLOBAL_PATHS.get(PathBuf::from("ignored-global-path"));
assert_eq!(first_symbol, Path::new("ignored-global-path"));
let from_global = GLOBAL_PATHS.get(Path::new("shared_is_separate_path"));
let shared = SharedPool::<PathBuf>::default();
let from_shared = shared.get(PathBuf::from("shared_is_separate_path"));
assert_ne!(from_shared.0 .0.index, from_global.0 .0.index);
let from_shared_borrowed = shared.get(Path::new("shared_is_separate_path"));
assert_eq!(from_shared.0 .0.index, from_shared_borrowed.0 .0.index);
fn buffers() {
let first_symbol = GLOBAL_BUFFERS.get(b"ignored-global-buffer".to_vec());
assert_eq!(first_symbol, &b"ignored-global-buffer"[..]);
let from_global = GLOBAL_BUFFERS.get(&b"shared_is_separate_buffer"[..]);
let shared = SharedPool::<Vec<u8>>::default();
let from_shared = shared.get(b"shared_is_separate_buffer".to_vec());
let from_shared_borrowed = shared.get(&b"shared_is_separate_buffer"[..]);
fn hashing() {
let mut set = HashSet::new();
let shared = StringPool::default();
fn with_hasher() {
let shared = StringPool::with_hasher(RandomState::default());
fn multithreaded_reaquire() {
// We have an edge case code path that's hard to test. In SharedData::drop,
// there is a path that gets hit only when other threads are getting a new
// reference to the string being dropped.
let mut threads = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..4 {
threads.push(thread::spawn(|| {
for _ in 0..1000 {
let _: GlobalString = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get("multithreaded");
for t in threads {
// The failure case for the code would end up not freing the string.
fn ptr_eq() {
let pool_a = StringPool::default();
let from_a = pool_a.get("hello");
let pool_b = StringPool::default();
let from_b = pool_b.get("hello");
assert_eq!(from_a, from_b);
assert!(!SharedString::ptr_eq(&from_a, &from_b));
assert!(SharedString::ptr_eq(&from_a, &pool_a.get("hello")));
fn custom_global_pool() {
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct BadHasher(u8);
impl Hasher for BadHasher {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
for byte in bytes {
self.0 ^= *byte;
impl BuildHasher for BadHasher {
type Hasher = BadHasher;
fn build_hasher(&self) -> Self::Hasher {
static CUSTOM_POOL: GlobalPool<String, BadHasher> = GlobalPool::with_hasher(BadHasher(0));
let from_custom = CUSTOM_POOL.get("hello");
let global = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get("hello");
assert!(!Pooled::ptr_eq(&from_custom, &global));
fn pooled_debug() {
let shared_pool = StringPool::default();
let string = shared_pool.get("test");
let expected = "\"test\"";
let debugged = format!("{string:?}");
assert_eq!(debugged, expected);
let second = shared_pool.get("test");
let second_debugged = format!("{second:?}");
assert_eq!(second_debugged, expected);
fn statics() {
static STATIC_STR: StaticPooledString = GLOBAL_STRINGS.get_static("static");
static STATIC_STR_LAZY: StaticPooledString =
GLOBAL_STRINGS.get_static_with(|| Cow::Borrowed("static-lazy"));
static STATIC_PATH_LAZY: StaticPooledPath =
GLOBAL_PATHS.get_static_with(|| Cow::Borrowed(Path::new("static-lazy")));
static STATIC_BUFFER: StaticPooledBuffer = GLOBAL_BUFFERS.get_static(b"static");
static STATIC_BUFFER_LAZY: StaticPooledBuffer =
GLOBAL_BUFFERS.get_static_with(|| Cow::Borrowed(b"static-lazy"));
macro_rules! test_static {
($static:ident, $against:expr) => {{
let first = $static.get();
let first_ptr = Arc::as_ptr(&first.0 .0);
let second = $static.get();
let second_ptr = Arc::as_ptr(&second.0 .0);
assert_eq!(first_ptr, second_ptr);
assert_eq!(second, $against);
assert_eq!($static, *second);
assert_eq!(second, &*$static);
test_static!(STATIC_STR, "static");
test_static!(STATIC_STR_LAZY, "static-lazy");
test_static!(STATIC_PATH_LAZY, Path::new("static-lazy"));
test_static!(STATIC_BUFFER, &b"static"[..]);
test_static!(STATIC_BUFFER_LAZY, &b"static-lazy"[..]);